The poster included a giant photograph of the spiritual leader, who is depicted praying beneath a advertising slogan.
Some works simply represent games or sports, like Andreas Gursky's giant aerial photograph of a soccer game.
Friends and relatives of the victims held up giant photographs and signs praising them for giving their lives in defense of Russia's democracy.
One exhibit featured a giant photograph of a cheetah; another showed a mural of a horse race.
A giant black-and-white photograph of the aftermath depicts a scene resembling Hiroshima after the atomic bomb.
Marchers carried giant photographs of Mr. bin Laden, who became a popular hero.
To save money, some of the building facades and the interior of the Orly set were actually giant photographs.
In that case, still unresolved, the commander of Manhattan detectives held a news conference with a giant photograph.
Children can also see giant digital photographs of moths and art made from squashed insects.
The commander of Manhattan detectives held a news conference with a giant photograph of the missing woman.