The others looked and saw the large, bulky corpse of an animal that resembled a giant pig.
One of the giant pigs was in front of him, staring with huge, baleful eyes.
They find the Yobgorgle and realize it is actually a submarine in the shape of a giant pig.
Spears flew, horses leaped, and somehow all the weaponry missed the giant pig.
It's hard not to question the presence of two giant pink pigs, especially when they are floating outside your apartment window.
One of the more dangerous animals would be the giant pig, big as an oxen and with skulls that measure four feet long.
Members included animals resembling giant pigs, rhinoceroses, and titanotheres.
Among them were animals resembling giant pigs, rhinoceroses, and titanotheres.
An artificial genetic mutation between giant pigs and deadly porcupine.
Once, the revelers chased a herd of giant pigs from their trail.