Today, the town sits perched on the lip of the giant pit, where employees work in temperatures that can fall to around -50C in the winter.
Oceans are like giant pits of quicksand, making it difficult for even the most powerful country to extend its reach.
Since drought struck three years ago, they are nothing but giant grassy pits.
A weird humming sound pierced the air, and people began to step back from the giant pit.
A giant pit has been dug where 50,000 people once worked.
Had the young fans in the giant mosh pit fully considered the Offspring's new offerings, though, they might have noticed a pattern.
Sótanos - This name is given to several giant pits in several states of Mexico.
After being stripped of all usable material, these aircraft were simply pushed into giant pits and covered with dirt.
That is enough to power millions of homes, using coal from other giant pits like this one and still more in Wyoming.
The giant pit made by that stamping was, she sensed, filled with water, a world-girdling ocean.