During this phase the star swells up to giant proportions to become a red giant again.
The cleverest stroke in the exhibition comes last, a wall that looks like an open, upended chocolate box, inflated to giant proportions.
The hugest of the sahuagin, the king neared giant proportions.
Trees of giant proportions canopied above saplings vying for the sky.
The pareiasaurs reached giant proportions in the late Permian, eventually disappearing at the close of the period.
Rather, it is a featureless pond of giant proportions - more than 200 square miles.
It seemed most like a whale, of giant proportions.
The two are then challenged by Shadow Moon, who enlarges himself into giant proportions.
The fellow was of giant proportions and entirely unarmed.
He's a thrilling improviser, and his playing can reach giant proportions, spilling all over.