The room itself looked and felt like a giant refrigerator.
There were giant refrigerators and warning signs against "Contamination."
The story takes a macabre turn when Claire discovers a dead body frozen in Gregoire's giant refrigerator.
They don't buy at Costco, as much as possible and store huge amounts of food in giant refrigerators and freezers.
She looked across the room to the door to the giant refrigerator.
You need a stove, a giant refrigerator and other storage places, as well as packaging for the finished product and plenty of labor.
There's a certain poetry for the couple in using a giant refrigerator to boost their adopted cause.
To some, the white equipment tower now resembles a giant refrigerator stamped with the manufacturer's logo.
With its giant refrigerators, the nook isn't exactly cozy.
The room was a giant refrigerator.