The two rivers join in the waters of Lake Shasta, a giant reservoir formed by the Shasta Dam.
Roamer skymines harvested vast amounts of hydrogen from gas planets, giant reservoirs of resources accessible for the taking.
Sky Mine - Roamer sky mines harvest vast amounts of hydrogen from gas planets, giant reservoirs of resource accessible for the taking.
While at the same time lowering nnmunity, so that afflicted people become a giant natural reservoir for epidemics.
He drove by the giant reservoir as the landscape opened up to reveal a vast expanse of water on his right and rolling green hills on his left.
Many explanations for the creation of chaos involve the sudden melting of giant reservoirs of ground ice.
There's no simple answer, but upriver, that question often leads to a discussion that's been going on since at least 1996, about the role of the giant reservoirs on the Delaware.
Rather, the grid is like a giant invisible reservoir where the amount of power being put in at any moment must match the amount being consumed.
By virtue of their high heat capacities, urban surfaces act as a giant reservoir of heat energy.
She was crying, then, the tears rushing out as if someone had punched a big awl through her eyes and hit a giant reservoir of grief.