He also has the power to make giant spikes grow out of the ground.
McKie, looking out to the side, identified hair fronds and broad leaf ficus, giant spikes of barbed red which he had never before seen.
This is especially evident when you use the needler weapon, which shoots out giant spikes that look rather imposing in 3D.
Zev's frightened eyes were flashing between Joe and the giant spike below.
Trees that the storm had hurled through the air still blocked streets like giant misplaced spikes.
There was a sound behind them, like a giant spike being fired violently into bedrock.
He and his plate tectonic theory are commemorated on the grounds outside by the Centre by a giant "immovable" spike indicating the amount of continental drift since Wilson's birth.
A giant spike impales the last man, before he is engulfed in flames.
The ship was caught on the giant spikes of rock and the force of the wind and sea simply ripped her bottom to shreds.
As he raises himself, he hears, from above the giant spikes of the Chamber of Light CLANG!