The floating Farallones had metamorphosed into a giant warship.
The Viet forces followed this impalement with ferocious fire attacks, which annihilated hundreds of giant warships.
It was a city in which factories had been converted to build military hardware and where the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries shipyard turned out giant warships.
Refilling the lake had been a major priority, since not even the fortress's colossal strength could support itself and the two giant warships for long.
It was the first occasion on which the giant warship's guns had been fired in action since the Korean war.
Flashes of light, puffs of smoke, flying metal, engulfed the giant warship.
The dragon prow of one of King Halvdan's giant warships, out rowing his endless summer blockade.
She is shown in one of Percy's dreams about the giant warship.
They were just beginning to stream up into emptiness again when the first of the giant warships flashed back into view.
The twin beams stabbed deep into the giant warship's guts.