I was falling through a giant atmospheric waterfall, but a very slow one.
Then a great tear ripped along the hull and the sea gushed from her like a giant waterfall, hurtling down on the ancient city below.
In rainy season this place is filled with giant waterfalls and greenery.
Farther south is the remnant of another giant waterfall, Palouse Falls.
Activities in schools included: children pledging towards hygiene, organized handwashing games and washing hands in a giant waterfall.
"Is it true that there's a giant waterfall all around the edge of the world, and you can look down and see stars?"
In the hot tub - fed by a giant waterfall - a man and woman are in intimate embrace.
You'll visit pyramids, ancient mines, and giant waterfalls on your online virtual world quest.
Warming is creating giant waterfalls within the ice and rivers of water between the ice and bedrock beneath.
Outside the quadrangle, the roar of traffic was like that of a giant waterfall.