She had better calm down and start acting like a Prime when she woke, instead of a giddy girl.
She cursed the circumstances that had put her family's reputation and finances into the awkward hands of this giddy girl.
When she first appeared at Devon she may have seemed a giddy girl, but she had never in- tended remaining that way.
Would it be better for Carolna as a whole to be ruled by a mere slip of a giddy girl?
Then Aunt Jamesina wondered why those giddy girls all laughed.
Everyone fawns over him, especially giddy young girls looking to marry.
But in these occupations, slight and agreeable though they were, the giddy young girls very seldom engaged.
Sardonyx threw her arms wide and spun like a giddy little girl.
Althea was a rather nice girl, though giddy, and I think she and Stephen were happy enough together.
Yesterday, the giddy girls had forgotten all about the cold and were eager to get on the ice.