Within the last few years, he has zoomed from nowhere to the giddy heights of the British theater.
The standard of fencing on board rose to giddy heights.
Men will reach those giddy heights in 2243.
I looked out and down at the abyss, up into the giddy heights of the sky, the way Miya was doing now.
After a dreadful start they recovered to take Tasburgh to the giddy heights of regional champions.
The latest example of gibberish very nearly reaches these giddy heights.
But when she stood there, over the giddy height, shivers ran along her body, and her mind grew dark.
Since all around them was flat, the tower seemed a giddy height.
But investors' fascination with the industry has dropped from the giddy heights of early 1996.
It was midafternoon by the time they reached the giddy heights on top of the cliffs.