I tried the gift boutique and the newsstand next door.
A quick visit proved enlightening: paradise will apparently include air hockey machines, a gift boutique and go-go dancers.
The cabaret, which begins at 6 P.M., includes a buffet, entertainment, an auction of services and merchandise, and a gift boutique.
There is a gift boutique and plants for sale, and luncheon is available, except on Sunday.
Yonkers Harvest Fair: food, gift boutique and raffle.
October Moon: An art gallery and gift boutique that offers gifts for garden, kitchen, and the home.
A gift boutique will be available, as will a dessert buffet.
Money and Tipping There is a gift boutique aboard where passengers can purchase mugs, scarves and posters and change currencies.
Ms. Jones is also in charge of the restaurant's gift boutique, scheduled to open around Labor Day.
After expansion he sold the distillery and turned to converting the general store to a gift boutique.