Last spring, a gift of $1 million enabled the library to remain open five days a week instead of four.
Your free gift this month will enable you to check one of the major elements - the pH.
My peculiar gift for remembering faces has enabled me to oblige the Anderson people once or twice before in this way.
"I am also pleased that our gifts have enabled you to speak with each other."
Private gifts enable us to recruit top faculty and students and continue the programs which promise the best health care for generations to come.
The gift of perfect pitch enables him to recognize any note or key.
But gifts totaling $1 million enabled the school to reopen later that month.
The gift, announced this month, will enable the school to offer free tuition to all students starting next year.
The gift - the amount of which has never been disclosed - also enabled the school to build a separate entrance to the hall.
They said the gift would enable the university to provide about $10,000 a year in aid to each of 60 to 75 students.