He was beginning to think that such a gift would establish the depth of his feeling for her.
The gift also established the HKS Indonesia Program, which promotes research, education, and capacity building in support of democratic governance and institutional development in Indonesia.
Mr. Kluge's new gift will establish the Kluge Endowment for a New Generation of Faculty Excellence.
The gift established the Thomas C. Jones Center for BBA Education, which aims to help students apply classroom theory, incorporate liberal arts, and teach leadership.
The gift also establishes an operating endowment for the theater and for educational programs.
His gifts also established Stern's Salomon Brothers Center for the Study of Financial Institutions.
Name in honor of his father, the gift establishes the Charles W. Fries Curator of the Wesleyan Cinema Archives.
The gifts establish that some- thing is leaving strange goodies around their haunts.
In addition, his gift established a $1 million dollar Kluge Prize to be given in recognition of a lifetime of achievement in the human sciences.
The Price Institute funds a wide variety of instructional programs at leading business schools, including Stern, where a generous gift established the Center for Entrepreneurial Studies.