He was not a prodigy; he was not by nature a gifted draftsman but had to work to get it right.
Fortunately, he's a gifted draftsman, drawing his projects, built or unbuilt, with such flair that even in their two-dimensionality they have a vivid presence.
She also includes Lewis Carroll, who was an untutored but gifted draftsman, as a few quietly deranged cartoons here confirm.
A shaman, egomaniac and idiosyncratically gifted draftsman, he was a divisive but charismatic teacher until he was finally dismissed in 1972.
A number of prehistorians are and have been, as he is, gifted draftsmen and copyists.
Though a gifted draftsman, he was drawn to Conceptualism, with its belief in the supremacy of the idea over materials and its diverse artistic possibilities.
Mr. Gillespie is primarily a gifted draftsman.
In many ways it is a beautiful show; Mr. Simmons is a gifted draftsman.
This fascinating retrospective shows him to have been a gifted draftsman and a Surrealistic assemblagist with a great feel for decorative design.
Almost despite himself, he's a gifted draftsman.