In 1987, I lost a gifted son to heroin.
As with other less gifted sons of brilliant fathers, to choose the same path was almost to invite humiliation.
These problems were left for his gifted and mercurial son, Manuel, to attempt to solve.
The gifted son plainly was his father's star pupil, adept in rhetoric, foreign languages, and classical literature.
Aldones only knew who his father was or why he'd ignored such an obviously gifted son.
She seems to delight in condemning her most gifted sons to an ordeal the very reverse of that which we should anticipate.
However, a married couple in rural Montana might have some ideas, and their strangely gifted twenty-year-old son would be very surprised at the answer...
At the same time, he has mixed feelings about his gifted son, often finding the boy a threat to his own authority.
Mom gives a lecture on the evils of drugs, and along the way helps Riley's widow understand her musically gifted son.
And let me tell you what I have in mind for our special, gifted, ungrateful son.