I spoke of our gigantic mechanical forces.
Bursting flame spread wide as the bomb exploded with gigantic force.
Floyd became acutely aware of the gigantic forces coiled up around him, waiting to be released.
As I plucked from my garments the ancient cross, I felt the play of gigantic unseen forces in the air about me.
Ballybran, in its eternal struggle for survival against gigantic natural forces, appealed to another instinct in her.
And so there was an intricate interplay of gigantic forces that took place predominantly in time itself.
Everything seemed technically correct, but it implied an even more gigantic force than appeared on the screen.
Propelled by gigantic forces, Stardust shot forward seconds later.
So he and Buttercup fled along, both of them very much aware that gigantic forces were following them, and, undoubtedly, cutting into their lead.
From some inexplicable source, perhaps from the magnetized earth itself, a gigantic destructive force had leaped to meet the ray of Cold Light.