Above these, towards the top of tower, are gilded angels raising their arms heavenwards.
The chancel roof likely dates to the 16th century and is a hammerbeam roof with gilded angels.
Above the organ and choir loft are two gilded angels.
On the 71-meter high west tower shines a gilded angel from 1343.
In the Spanish-Moorish auditorium, gilded angels still cling to the proscenium columns.
She had just noticed that above her head a gilded angel hung in chains, his face paralysed by suffering, when Guilda appeared.
The chancel roof is carried on corbels carved with gilded angels.
Inside the church is an elaborately decorated roof, including gilded angels.
Just a year earlier, thieves had taken a gold halo, some gilded angels and other precious decorations off the triptych.
Every scene is flanked by hundreds of gilded pink-faced angels blowing trumpets.