She picked up a small white bisque angel with the faintest blush to its cheeks, and gilded wings.
His helmet bounced once and came to rest on its rim, the gilded wings shivering.
He had all but given up hope of victory, when he saw the glint of sunlight on gilded wings.
There is a lot of Beautiful Style in its gilded wings and windswept curly hair, but there's something fresh here, too.
He felt its triumph of will as gilded wings spread wide.
How would he hang his slender gilded wings And buzz lamenting doings in the air!
The tiny angels with their gilded wings danced on their long threads of gold.
She went to the tub and nudged one of the swan's gilded wings.
The sides of the ship - what you could see of them where the gilded wings of the dragon ended-were green.
Other earlier works include 'Psyche', an untitled sculpture dating from 1987, and his untitled gilded wings of 1988.