He pointed to the gill-like structure on the backpack that Kumar was already wearing.
They appear to have gill-like structures which resemble those of agarics, however the similarity is superficial only.
If it had free water, then it had creatures that could swim and extract oxygen through gill-like structures.
The underside of the its cap bears lamellae (gill-like structures) rather than the pores common in the Boletales.
Acorn worms have gill-like structures that they use for breathing, similar to the gills of primitive fish.
Some notable fungi with gill-like structures, such as chanterelles, have long been recognized as being substantially different from usual Agaricales.
The bat star breathes through gill-like structures on its back that perform as respirators.
This is, however, often greatly reduced, consisting of a small mass of cells without any remaining gill-like structure.
The decurrent gill-like structures are orange and forked, which is a distinctive and distinguishing feature.
The solenogastres do not have true ctenidia, although their gill-like structures resemble them.