She described many new species of Agaricales (gilled mushrooms).
Amanita are tall gilled mushrooms with long stems, which grow around trees in pine forests.
Fully developed amanitas are gilled mushrooms with parasol-shaped caps that may be white, yellow, red or brown.
Oudemansiella australis is a species of gilled mushroom in the Physalacriaceae family.
Lepiota is a genus of gilled mushrooms in the family Agaricaceae.
Leucocoprinus birnbaumii is a species of gilled mushroom in the family Agaricaceae.
The Cortinariaceae are a large family of gilled mushrooms found worldwide, containing over 2100 species.
Xerula is a genus of gilled mushrooms in the Physalacriaceae family.
Gomphidius subroseus is a gilled mushroom found in North America.
These groups are non-agaricoid but, strangely enough, Lentinellus is more closely related to them than to other gilled mushrooms.