He is aware that there is another ginger-haired man carefully watching both of them.
The account director, Bogg, was a short, square ginger-haired man with a very large head, but not much in it.
He indicated a bearded, ginger-haired man who looked like he had drawn the short straw.
Among the wounded was a ginger-haired man with a head wound.
The other was a little man, ginger-haired, with a hard rat trap of a face.
He was a short ginger-haired man with a thin, intelligent face - the face of a nightclub comedian.
"Come closer, and we'll talk about it," the ginger-haired man said.
The anxious ginger-haired man who had stared at her in horror.
Finally, Howl and Michael were each holding the arm of a ginger-haired man in a crumpled brown suit.