She will also deliver a short history of gingerbread cookies that should provide conversation the holiday season.
Aunt Sybil was slogging about in a puddle of syrup, trying to resningle her house with fresh gingerbread cookies.
He also claimed responsibility for the coffin-shaped fudge and bat-shaped gingerbread cookies at the evening Halloween party.
It could also serve to keep really large gingerbread cookies nice and fresh.
Avoid edible ornaments like popcorn strings and gingerbread cookies - they are not good for pets.
Among the popular early American cookies were the macaroon, gingerbread cookies, and of course jumbles of various types.
Most common is making thin gingerbread cookies and painting them with a different color glaze.
The clue lies in the gingerbread cookies the man was baking when he was killed.
Santas, snowmen, trains and toy soldiers glowed in the yard, and gingerbread cookies held hands.
If you've got a sweet tooth, try some of the heavily iced and custard-filled pastries or maybe a marronito, which is a thick, pig-shaped gingerbread cookie.