The girl bobbed a curtsy and promised to do as asked, betraying not the slightest curiosity.
The girl bobbed her head; she managed to fire her puny gun.
The girl gave a dramatic shudder, then bobbed a curtsy and left the room, closing the door softly behind her.
The girl was bobbing in the river, her brown hair floating behind her.
The girl bobbed, then hurried out the door.
The girl bobbed her head in lieu of a curtsy, since she was already kneeling.
The girl bobbed shyly and went down through the cheering and whistling.
Still listening, the girl smiled, and bobbed her head to Connie, in a mock bow.
The girls giggled and bobbed their heads in response, but without rising, which struck me as odd.
The girl bobbed a curtsey and left the room.