When he walked into the apartment set he found a beautiful girl clad in bubble wrap, smoking a lot and humming along to samba music.
Where just an instant before it had been clear, he now was bearing down on a pair of teenage girls clad in Fila jogging suits.
Once more Conan contemplated the serving girls, clad only in nearly transparent trousers with bells on wrists and ankles.
The little girl, clad in white lace levitates near him.
The girl, clad in a long white gown and standing on a wolf skin, was life size, the painting itself almost seven feet tall.
A buxom girl clad in red samite sat with her cheek pressed against his knee.
The door opened and a small, thin girl, clad in jeans and sweater, entered the room.
Maybe android ads will start finally showing the products instead of transforming robots and pouty girls clad in tight clothes.
A little girl, clad in rags, ran up, held out her hand.
A dark-haired girl clad only in silver hoops stood under it, giggling as it drenched her.