This is the typical American high school story about love and romance with the "girl next door" kind of persona.
I have blond, curly hair and blue eyes, just like the girl next door who should get the boy.
After all, what is a bunny if not the girl next door (or at least the fantasy version of her)?
This shows a lack of appreciation for the boy or girl next door.
Miller also describes her as a "girl next door" that people can identify with.
"I've never really been attracted to designing for the boy or girl next door."
Actually, American movies used to concern themselves with the boy or girl next door.
America had lost both a girl next door and a rare beauty.
Ted had known Maggie, the "ultimate girl next door", since college, but she has always quickly found a new boyfriend after being single.
Smith kept her image as the girl next door and a good Christian girl.