On and on I went, determined that no girl should excel me in the water, an element I have always loved.
While girls are excelling like never before, the boys are falling behind.
In my life, girls raised their hands, spoke up, acted out, excelled and failed, all in a group of other girls.
In 2005, should it be surprising that a girl enjoys baseball and excels at it?
Some girls excel, while a couple fail to impress during their sessions.
Another very important part of the Archduchess's education was art: she was educated in drawing and painting, a field where the girls excelled particularly.
At the boarding school where the older girls had excelled, Vivian was suspended twice, then finally dismissed.
Smaller, lighter girls generally excelled in the more challenging acrobatic elements required by the redesigned Code of Points.
St Andrew's girls have excelled in many aspects both in and outside the class room.
Since then many boys and girls have excelled in this field and brought laurels for Ranaghat even from national and international arena.