A cabbage in a garden has as much life and expression in it as that girl exhibits at the present moment.
This is further signified by the change in hair color the girl now exhibits and the appearance of the Taarakian crest on her skin.
In some cases, the fasting girls also exhibited the appearance of stigmata.
Investigators said the school principal also noticed that the girl had exhibited a diminished interest and alertness at school since last winter.
The girl exhibited no signs of being sleepy or of slipping back into a more profound catatonic state.
The only girl in a swarm of ragged, predatory boys who threaten her at every turn, Sili exhibits an extraordinary self-possession.
Particular boys and girls may exhibit dysfunctional behavior toward each other, in which case corrective action is required.
The courage which girls exhibit is like a battle of Lundy's Lane, or a sea-fight.
Mental health experts say that although boys still far outnumber girls in residential treatment, girls, too, are exhibiting more signs of hostility.
Further, girls in a "pack," like boys in a pack, exhibit extreme and ridiculous behaviors.