The girl was lagging several paces behind and looked as if she didn't want to be out walking or holding anyone's hand.
Currently, 120 million children could still be out of school in 2015 and girls will still lag behind boys in school enrollment and attendance.
Yet it is only in math and science that girls lag behind.
And the Young Women's Leadership School in Harlem plans to emphasize science and math, subjects in which girls have lagged behind boys.
The research revealed, among other things, that girls received significantly less attention than boys from teachers, that the achievements of women were minimized or ignored in many textbooks and that girls lagged behind boys in math and science scores.
He continued slowly that she might leave him behind, but the girl lagged on her way.
And boys are much more likely than girls to lag in their language development.
Even if the girls lagged behind, Mrs. Belitski added, she would encourage their inquiries.
The human girl lagged back, panting.
In the United States, historically, girls lagged on standardized tests.