The girl regarded him, frightened, as he, intent, did this work.
Then they did not seem at all alarmed, although the little girl naturally became the center of attraction and regarded her with great curiosity.
The girl regarded him for a moment and then tilted her head to the side, looking him in the eye.
The girl had turned and was regarding the two men with an air of detached amusement.
It's revealed that all the other girls regard Samantha as a whinger, something she doesn't seem to be aware of herself.
The girl regarded him curiously, but did not seem to be afraid or alarmed by his nakedness.
The girls regarded it in a different light.
The three girls on the sofa were regarding me with dark suspicion, if not outright alarm.
The girl knitted her hands together and regarded him squarely.
The girl regarded him uncertainly, not knowing whether to believe him.