The killer takes shelter in a house where a physically challenged girl is residing.
Secondary 1 and 2 boarding girls reside in a large dormitory on the 4th floor of this building, each having an individual cubicle, furnished with a small dressing cabinet and a single bed.
Senior boys reside in Castle House and junior boys and girls reside in separate sections of Foal Yard.
Residing with them were two girls, Mattie Stokes and Olive Montgomery.
For boys there are seven separate hostels, while girls reside in a single hostel.
Capriati was arrested, the police said, after they went to her hotel room at the Gables Inn upon receiving a tip that a 17-year-old runaway girl was also residing there.
The girls and their family initially reside in Westlake Village, California, but eventually move to Hollywood.
If a marriage is agreed upon, the young man would stay with the girl's parents and the girl would reside with the young man's parents up until the wedding day.
Frechette Hall is where the boys reside and Tate Hall is where the girls reside.