He demonstrated, and as he drove sedately down the highway the girl sewed industriously.
He grabbed the sweater the girl sewed, and reflected on his actions as he travelled to the girl's hometown to look for her.
The girls read and wash their clothing, sew and cook.
"Before, most girls were sewing their dresses," Mrs. Spichak said.
A girl must sew six shirts from a painful plant in order to save her brothers from a witch's curse.
Peshamban girls with glass or real jewels sewn all over their clothes, and masks of cats and butterflies.
When she was younger, her great grandmother did not believe girls should be outside sweating in the sun, but inside learning to knit and sew.
The girls sewed their own costumes, helped by more skilled hands of mothers, aunts and older sisters.
The other girls in her class at school could cook and sew and knit; she only was a little ignoramus.
The little girl sewed herself a little teddy bear, which she stuffed with strips of old fabric.