Halle's stylish little girl sported a sweater dress, polka dot leggings, and gray boots for her trip to the toy store.
The women and the girls of the family sported sashes and headbands with Washington's picture and words of welcome.
For this album, the girls all sported strong, lead female characters from popular movies.
The boys wore mascara and black lipstick while the girls sported punk haircuts and elaborate tattoos.
The two girls sported a multitude of wounds, high, low, left, right, as if they had walked into a firestorm.
Both the girl and the dog were sporting identical grins.
She found plenty; the girls sported a black eye each before she was through with them.
The girls would have sported under the oaks; and their grandchildren would have felled them.
This pretty girl was sporting all the wrong equipment to engage Lan's interest, unlike the fresh-faced cowboy across the table.
About half the girls sported three to four earrings per ear.