Two very young-looking Japanese girls tittered.
There was an animated whispering, and twice all three girls tittered.
The girls tittered and hid their satisfied grins behind delicate fans painted with pheasants and plum blossoms.
The girls tittered, and this increased his embarrassment until he couldn't say a word.
The other girls tittered and glanced, and Jenette stared openly, cracking her gum in rhythm to the jiggling of the two desks.
The girl in the red hat tittered, then coughed, behind a gauntleted glove with red stitching on the back.
The other girls had tittered again while Jane had felt herself blush--partly with embarrassment, partly with anger.
The girl behind him tittered nervously.
The girl tittered, then swept her hand through the water, splashed Baal, and dived away.
Elijah's girls tittered as Ryan fought to keep his balance on the rail.