"This premature girl weighed less than 800 grams when she was born and given little chance of survival," he said.
The girl was not quite four feet tall and weighed 36 pounds when she died, the officials said.
So anyway, this girl weighed 125 pounds when I started with her.
The girl weighed no more than a wedding veil.
The girl weighed 2.530 kilos and was 48 cm long.
The girls are 3-foot-4 and weigh 32 pounds each.
A small black girl was weighing material on a balance.
The average 10-year-old girl is 54 1/4 inches tall and weighs 72 pounds.
Jason - 11 days ago I wish all girls weighed less than 140 pounds.
In the brief space of seconds, this girl had weighed him.