Could we give them a $3,000 to $4,000 tax deduction every year for each child?
We would all be better off if the government gave a tax deduction for all educational expenses.
He would give the middle class a tax deduction of $3,750 to buy health insurance.
That would be to give companies a tax deduction for their expense when they issue options.
I was building a "home office," an enterprise so respectable that the Government gives you a tax deduction for it.
"If the state gave us a tax deduction for building a new Yankee Stadium, it would be up already."
"Not only is it going to make my employees very happy," she said, "but it will also give me a much-needed tax deduction."
And I want to give every middle-class family a tax deduction for college tuition of $10,000 a year.
You still get the same charitable feeling, but, unlike the church sales, they operate year-round, and some will give you a tax deduction.
The donation gave the parents a tax deduction of $28,700, which saved them $11,500 in cash.