George Whitefield, one of the founders of Methodism, gave his first sermon at the church in 1736.
In 1518, Zwingli was given a post at the wealthy collegiate church of the Grossmünster in Zürich, where he remained until his death.
"And I'll say prayers for him and give a donation at the church."
On Dec. 3, they will give a choral concert at the church to raise money for more repairs.
The woman, in her late 20's, was given food, clothing and temporary shelter at the church.
Rudolph Giuliani gave his mayoral farewell speech at the church on December 27, 2001.
She did not invite any of the neighbours to the function, and gave parents' names of her own choosing at the church.
Father Chris Benyon gave his support to the music bands at the church.
In 1796, he was given a teaching post in the Somaschi seminary at the church of Salute .
She has done a series of such concerts since late December, when she gave a gospel show at the the church in Detroit where her father is a minister.