Until a decade ago, doctors gave chemotherapy to victims of testicular cancer for two years.
It monitors 24 patients given identical chemotherapy from prenatal care to childbirth to the years after.
Today, national guidelines call for giving chemotherapy to almost all of the nearly 200,000 women a year whose illness is diagnosed as breast cancer.
If the cancer has spread to several parts of the body, a doctor may give you either chemotherapy or radiation.
If surgery is part of your treatment, you also may be given radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or combination chemoradiation.
Studies show that giving chemotherapy before radiation therapy is an effective treatment for this tumor.
However, this extra risk disappeared almost entirely when those under 35 were given chemotherapy.
However, he does not think that all women with breast cancer should be given chemotherapy based solely on age.
Pancreatic cancer patients may also be given radiotherapy or chemotherapy.
The children given chemotherapy in late afternoon or early evening were three times as likely to be cured, he said.