"She has given us protection and fealty."
As part of this deal, Louis recognised Stephen's son Eustace as Duke of Normandy in exchange for Eustace giving fealty to the French king.
But in Guangdong Province in southern China, there has been a slow spread of so-called open churches, Roman Catholic communities that give fealty to Rome rather than to the Patriotic Association.
They gave fealty in Kushiel's name.
It had seemed just a way to impress people with his power, that Aes Sedai gave him fealty.
"All that I have promised today, I shall faithfully keep," Liam responded, lifting his joined hands to Kelson in the traditional posture of giving fealty.
Give His Majesty Fling's love and fealty and good memories.
The delegates' were accredited that afternoon, after Severin Løvenskiold had refused to give fealty to the independence movement.
What barony do you give fealty to?
Sire, as was my duty, I gave ye my homage and fealty at yer coronation.