Well, the controls were simple enough, and the new driver was not given to nervousness in the face of physical difficulties.
Braddock believed that the enemy would eventually give way in the face of the discipline displayed by the English-led troops.
That casts me down, but any theory, no matter how close to my heart, must give way in the face of adverse observation.
Tell me, fool, how do you give of yourself in the face of that?
Unfortunately, the White House failed to give her much support in the face of Congressional resistance.
A single wolf usually gave way in the face of a determined charge and might drop the ermine.
This gives them a lot of lift, even in the face of powerful winds.
"We decided as ministers to submit our resignations to give him flexibility of movement in the face of the Israeli campaign."
I gave it to him good, right in the face.
Vaccines can also be given in the face of an outbreak or to prevent disease occurrence.