It's about behaving in a way that changes you, that gives you intimations of holiness and sacredness.
And so of the other senses; do they give perfect intimations of such matters?
Klea Blackhurst is engaged, trained and talented enough to give us wonderful intimations of Merman the performer without being crushed by her.
He is able to move faster than the eye can see by accelerating his metabolism, and he gains mild prescience, which he describes as a doubled vision which gives him intimations of danger.
She had given intimations that proved how greatly she detested the man to whom she was engaged.
In negotiations he conducted with General Nasi, then deputy viceroy and governor of Shewa, Abebe gave intimations of his readiness to surrender.
City dwellers sometimes journey to the country to enjoy the restorative and soothing powers of nature, just as Wordsworth advised, while other travelers seek awe-inspiring vistas that might give them intimations of the sublime.
And the staggering to a song about whiskey gave unsettling intimations of the women's futures.
Such is the nature of the liver, which is placed as we have described in order that it may give prophetic intimations.
Television keeps giving us intimations of disaster.