After voluntarily giving hair and blood samples to the police investigators in an attempt to clear his name, he was arrested and charged with the rape.
He asked the judge to give investigators two weeks to solve the crime.
This time, Hajyano sexually abused the man's wife, according to the statement that he gave investigators.
Mr. Hayden read a statement that the paramedic had given investigators shortly after the shooting.
The city's Correction Commissioner, Catherine M. Abate, gave investigators two weeks to complete their report.
But security experts said that wire transfer records kept by banks could give investigators with a paper trail to track down the money's origin.
Should this evidence go undocumented or unrecovered during the initial processing of the shooting scene, the information it can give investigators may be lost forever.
Why not appoint a commission of voters, giving it all the funds, staff and investigators that Congress would use.
But he also said he was illiterate and had not understood the statement he gave investigators earlier.
Both phases used pretexting, according to documents the company has given various investigators.