I wanted nothing" - Bryson cackled at the thought - "but he gave me jewels, too.
I ask you not to give me jewels and fine clothes.
The custom of giving jewels to people as Easter presents continues today.
Through they were not considered "upper-class", they were given food, clothing, jewels, land and slaves for their work.
To give jewels away, you will unconsciously work detriment to yourself.
He wanted to give her a silk dress, and jewels to match her eyes.
Santipur has given birth numerous jewels from time to time.
I agreed thereto, and the good man gave me new robes and jewels from the treasury of his own temple.
"He gave me a thousand pounds sterling and enough jewels to make the queen green with envy."
Keep them free from all diseases and give them ornaments and jewels to wear.