Many said what was needed was a compromise that Iran could live with but that would give Iraq parity.
France, which was given parity with Italy, also possessed 70,000 tons of capital ship tonnage.
A referendum held on 1 December 1957 approved the constitutional reform giving parity to both traditional parties for a term of 12 years.
The new trade legislation could, in fact, be a first step toward giving American economic interests parity with foreign relations and security concerns.
Since the cold war, the Government has given civilian and military scientists rough parity in parceling out time on supercomputers.
By giving parity to environmental and affordable housing objectives, the amendment would lay the financial keystone of a balanced, smart-growth policy.
Why can't they just give parity with the private sector?
The only fair way to merge them is give the licenses parity.
This season has been hailed by many people as a marvel to professional football's system, in which a salary cap gives teams parity.