Regardless of which method was used, contributions over the past few weeks have pushed the fund's giving record past last year's.
Higher education includes all levels of institutions giving education past the secondary school level for a period of at least two years.
Many mares have foals then, and some give birth even past the age of 20.
They didn't give it any instructions past that.
Elayne leaned forward to give her a firm look past Thom.
Of course you'll have to give him clearance past your boys guarding the ship.
Scott-Scobie also gave her a look, then past her at George.
It seemed that whatever purpose moved her gave her energy past my own, with the weight of mail and heavy sword belt upon me.
The win gave him a second Wimbledon title and an eighth career major title just past the age of 24.
Wu strained, but the field holding her would not give past the four or five centimeters' play.