The controversial thing about this appointment was that they were given same seniority which they were enjoying on November 2, 2007.
Flanders's appointment gave him seniority over the freshman Senators who would be elected four days later on November 5.
He kept the rank of captain and was given seniority from 5 January 1960.
He was given seniority in the rank of captain from 26 October 1959.
Pfeffer felt his age gave him seniority over Anne and wrote off her writing activities as unimportant compared to his own studies.
He was given seniority from 30 January 1936.
His commission was confirmed and he was given seniority as a second lieutenant from 6 April 1971.
I therefore served, in all but name, an apprenticeship, which gave me seniority over many.
He later was given seniority from 1 September 1945.
He maintained the rank of lieutenant and was given seniority from 14 December 1959.