First woman: "The truth is, the Democrats gave us higher taxes and more Government."
Gokula organized the farmers not to give taxes to the Mughals.
We want them to give us full employment, low taxes and low inflation.
He was a mediocre governor who gave us higher taxes, loss of jobs, lower bond ratings, budget failures and government inefficiency.
But even restaurants packing in customers can run into financial problems given the expenses: utilities, insurance, garbage collection, exterminators, licensing fees, taxes.
A few years later in 1929, priests were not considered workers thus they were given higher taxes.
Critics say it would also give most of its benefits to higher-income groups simply because those pay the most taxes.
They say being overridden by the Legislature would not only leave the governor looking powerless, but would also give the state higher taxes.
But the vendors do not give "paid" invoices and avoid taxes!
The people would work the land and give taxes to the king for protection.