With John's pronunciation, the immigration officer gave him the spelling of "McKetta".
As his secretary gave him the spelling, Crowe typed the reporter's name, then hit the search key.
He gave her the African spelling, Modiunn, and said, "I'll see you at sleep time."
When giving the spelling of words, certain letters may be said in more emphatic ways to distinguish them from other identically pronounced characters.
In the map of France it gives the proper spelling, with the English in parentheses below.
This gives the spelling of words not always included in other dictionaries, e.g. kidnapped.
The new signs gave the spelling of the name as "Conisborough", however, these were replaced by 21 May with the spelling corrected.
Thorn gave the spelling that seemed to him most likely.
The main purpose served by the dictionary is to give the correct spelling, pronunciation, and precise translation into Azerbaijani of each entry.
The name was later given the more common spelling of Charlottesville.