Past design themes have given way to a more sophisticated approach that could be called American Global.
The journal gave rise to an approach to history known as the Annales School.
This kind of thinking gave birth to a distorted approach to immigration in countries like Denmark.
About 1946, her use of linear pictographic shapes gave way to a more organic approach to both content and technique.
After research had begun to throw some light on to the physics of plasmas, invention gave way to a more scientific approach.
It was a season largely governed by commercial concerns, as bold stylistic innovation gave way to a more cautious approach.
But now this communal system is giving way to a do-it-yourself approach that increasingly requires Americans to make their own way.
Yet they all believe that the evangelical fervor for keeping lean and fit is giving way to a less obsessive approach.
But a closer look at the insurgents' goals and methods may give clues to a better approach.
The shift from bright pure colors loosely applied to the canvas gave way to a more calculated geometric approach.