Many were jubilant as they stopped to give bear hugs to their colleagues, who burst out in tears and wild applause.
Israel has also dispatched many specialists to Vietnam to give in-service training to their Vietnamese colleagues, especially in agriculture.
It also prevented local officers from securing evidence by means prohibited under the federal exclusionary rule and giving it to their federal colleagues.
She'd already had two cups for herself, and would give the rest to her three colleagues.
If he gives a lift to his colleagues he collects money from them.
When it comes to giving a hand to her colleagues in the business, Santos is a solid provider.
And then we give that request for space to our colleagues in production.
Speaking in what he said was his personal capacity, he also gave a nod of admiration to Ms. Sisco and her two colleagues.
I think that we should give special recognition to our colleagues who are now moving on to new pastures in their political or personal lives.
Daithin gave some perfunctory answers to his colleagues and then swiftly left to follow the Romulans.